Saturday, June 7, 2014

Chickens.. Ugh!

I just thought I would update you all on the fact that we now have chickens! Not just any chickens, but the MOST ANNOYING CHICKENS EVER. 

Tomy and the Chickens
We have gone through spurts of keeping animals in the house over the last year. We always have the cat Tomy, we have had a few puppies visit, and now we have chickens. The thing is, everyone here really enjoys having animals and pets in the house. The problem is that no one likes to take care of them for a long time. We always seem to be leaving when the animals come, so I haven't been here the entire duration of an animal stay, but it is something like a week, maybe 2 at the longest, it seems anyway. 

Even though they know their habits, they keep getting more animals. So, on Monday, Graciela decided she just had to have some chickens! The very nice shop keeper even gave her a bonus baby chick with the purchase of her 2 chickens. I asked her why she got them and she just shrugged her shoulders and laughed. Graciela is hilarious like that. 

Now, the chickens are home and go between being kept in a box and roaming around the back patio. They share the space with the cat. I'm impressed he hasn't tried to eat them. Really, he seems confused by their presence and isn't sure if he is supposed to be a cat that hunts birds or a human that takes care of them. #domesticanimalproblems

Tomy Keeping Watch:
This is MY side, that is YOUR side.
The worst part about these guys so far is that they chirp ALL DAY LONG. I don't know how they keep going so long. The chickens in Huanuco would make noise, but not all day long. Plus, if you wanted to get away from them, you could. Here in Lima, there is no escape. My solution has been to just keep my headphones in, unfortunately that means everyone else is blocked out too. Also, I need to work on my sermon, which is usually better done with quiet, not music playing in my head. Rawr. Shall be an interesting weekend. 

I hope these birds have the longevity of all the other animals or they just stop chirping... please oh please! 

Rant over. 

~nos vemos~ 

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